Cinemagraph ,Tips to Make Your Photos Less Boring

 In the age of Facebook and smartphones we are taking more photos perhaps than ever before and are sharing them more than ever before too. Whereas once we might take a few photos because we were going on holiday, now we take hundreds of photos of even the most inane things - whether it's having friends round for tea or noticing a rock that looks like a face. On the one hand this is actually a very nice way to keep a constant record of your life, and looking back it's ideal for nostalgic types. However what it also results in is a serious reduction in quality as you end up with hundreds of pictures that have just been rushed. For the denizens of Facebook this results in pages of boring and useless pictures that just aren't worth looking through. People actually end up looking at your pictures less because they know there's nothing of much interest in there anymore.
But it doesn't necessarily have to be this way, and if you know how then it's possible to maintain quality in your photos even when you're taking so many. Here we will look at how to make your pictures that bit more amazing.
So today we’re going to showcase animated GIF artwork but there are not the regular GIF we use on websites. These are beautiful twist from somehow nasty animated Gif artworks with the use of high quality photos from modern photography, and the pioneer, Jamie Beck and Kevin Burg called itCinemagraph.
- Like what you’ve seen in most GIF animation, cinemagraph is a product of still photo with minor elements moving on. It’s nothing impressive on technique but what makes cinemagraph unique is it brings back certain part of the photo to life, thus making the entire photo more realistic, attractive and sometimes even thought-provoking, just like the magical newspaper from the movie Harry Potter. 
Dozens of photographers have found this technique interesting, so do we. While they are making their first attempt on cinemagraph, we go on by collecting 28 quality, realistic and thought-provoking cinemagraphs for your enjoyment and inspiration and, be prepared to get impressed!
- Coco Takes Manhattan. If you cannot capture wind, make a cinemagraph to get people feel it.



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